211 – Lets Connect
(the following applies if you live in the United States and I believe some parts of Canada)
If you are having financial difficulties due to the current age we are in, you may be able to get assistance by picking up the phone and calling “211”. You will talk to a person who will be able to match you to social services resources that may help you with your need. You dial 211 on the telephone and you will talk to a person. You can explain your need and the person on the other end of the telephone will find social service resources that may help you with your need.
For details can go to
United Way of the Midlands
Address: www.unitedway.org
Click on a link called “211”
(for my computer, the link “211” appeared on the right side of the computer)
You will be directed to the following web page:
211 web page
Address: 211.org
Move mouse over the link called “About 211”
This will open a menu of different choices, where you will find a choice called “About 211”
Click “About 211” link
Then you will get a screen that describes the 211 service
The 211 service will match you need to different social service resources that may be able to help you.
The 211 service describe being available for people in United States and parts of Canada
Hope that everyone doing ok, and people are able to stay safe. Thoughts, prayers, and hope are offered to all and hopefully this crap (bleep) (bleep) situation of the current new age will end soon.
Trivia question to occupy people minds
According to Google, what is the most popular color in the world?