Career Exploration and Career Stuff: Career association meetings done virtually
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
Career associations can give helpful information to people.
(career associations are groups of people who gather together related to a particular profession.)
With the current time of social distancing, you may not be able to physically meet in a physical meeting. You may believe that career association meetings may not be occurring. Career associations may still have a career association meeting done virtually. Check with your career association if career associations meetings are still occurring. I know personally myself that virtual meetings have occurred as part of the American Marketing Association and the Association of Talent Development.
Hope that everyone doing ok, and people are able to stay safe. Thoughts, prayers, and hope are offered to all and hopefully this crap (bleep) (bleep) situation of the current new age will end soon.
Trivia question to occupy people minds.
What is the largest building in the world?