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Career Exploration and Career Stuff: YouTube Chanel called Paralegal Career Mastermind and “What skills are essential for the entry – level paralegal?” (published on YouTube October 18, 2020) and have a spare mask and gloves in car during pandemic


Learning ideas to make your life better
Today, going to look at paralegal careers and safety

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you

YouTube – www. – for those who may not know YouTube a web site that allows the general public to post videos; other people then can see the videos.  YouTube can have a variety of videos on a variety of topics; including career exploration.  YouTube has a channel called Paralegal Career Mastermind that has information about the paralegal profession.  There a video called “What skills are essential for the entry level paralegals?” published in October 18, 2020); it is a good video

You may also decide to travel in your car for different purposes – with the pandemic occurring – and hopefully the pandemic will end soon; you may want to have a spare mask and gloves to help keep you safe during the pandemic.

