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Highs and Lows in Job Search

Sometimes when I search for jobs – I would experience highs and lows in emotions – the process of searching for jobs I would experience highs and lows – the experience of highs and lows would be greater when I was searching for a full-time job position and was not currently employed.
Some of the highs and lows could be:

Highs (in general feeling you are making progress to a job position)
Some Highs could be:
* Send out an application
* Send out a resume
* Interview – in an interview that you think went well and may lead to a job off
* Get a job offer (a feeling of a very good High)
* Go to a career conference and talk to people and feel that you have a lead that could lead to a job position
* Your invited to an interview

Lows (in general feeling you are not making progress to a job position)
Some Lows could be:
* Online application – you finish filling out a application and then lose the application for some computer reason (power of the computer goes off; the file does not transfer or save or some reason like that) – and you feel you wasted your effort on the application
* Interview goes nowhere could be reasons like
* Interview for a job that was different than the job position you thought
* You are going to a job interview and then get stuck in a traffic jam that does not allow you to go to the job interview
* You have an interview believing that you may get a job offer and then find out later that you been rejected
* You send the application to the wrong place (could be areas like send the job application to the wrong address if sending the application through the mail; or send the application to the wrong e-mail)

Job hunting may have Highs and Lows when you are job hunting – here some ideas to help you deal with the Highs and Lows that you may feel in emotion when job hunting

* Recognize that you may express Highs and Lows in emotion when job hunting – you may experience difficulties with a job search being aware that the job process can experience Highs and Lows in emotion can help you deal with the emotions
* Creating a Routine – your job may establish a large part of your routine; if you lose your job, a big part of your routine may be gone; can be helpful to have part of your time be in an established routine – some ideas can be
* Career expert – talk to a career expert at an established time during the week
* Have a social event at the same time during the week
* Have established particular time when you job search in the week

* Social – when you are feeling difficulties with life; sometimes having social activities with people can be helpful.  Some ideas
* Job hunting groups – you can join a job-hunting group – a job hunting group where people come together to give support to each other in help finding a job
* Social groups that matches a person interest – take a hobby you may have and join a group of people that matches your hobby
* Social activities that helps with a social need – join a social activity that can help people like build homes, do something to help you by helping someone else
* Talk to people where you can express the Highs and Lows emotions that you are experiencing in the job search

* Volunteer – volunteer doing an activity; volunteer a activity that can give you confidence and feel important

* Experts – experts may be helpful; a counselor may be helpful to you in talking about your feelings; a career coach (or counselor) may be able to give you feedback in the job search.


Job Hunting may have you feel Highs and Lows – here are some ideas to deal with the Highs and Lows when you are searching for a job

