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Category: Career Exploration

Career Exporation

Welcome to the Workforce Development tour – Alabama

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

Welcome to the Workforce Development tour – where we look at the different features (or at least some of the features) of different workforce development web sites of the different states of the United States.   Workforce Development tour will be a series of blog posts.  Look at the different states in alphabetical order, so let us look begin looking at the state of:


Alabama workforce development web site (or at least one of them; when did a Google search for Alabama workforce development web sites obtained different web sites). I picked the following:
(Link no longer worked)
Web site has 5 main sections, they are
(1)        Job Seekers
(2)        Employers
(3)        Training/Education
(4)        Resources
(5)        Programs

Give some details on the different sections

(1) Job Seekers
Service to help job seekers
Gives you a way to do a quick search to find job position
You can create a profile that will allow you to do additional stuff like have features in the job search, and receive e-mail updates

(2)        Employers
Service to help employers
Able to search for resumes
Can create an employer account to let you do additional functions like post job openings, and receive e-mail updates

(3)        Training/education
Gives some information on training
Click “Search for Training” – will give you information on training programs

(4)        Resources
Gives different Internet Resources on career stuff
Have information organized by General categories and get specific categories
Get a listing of web sites under each specific category.  Variety of resources listed.

(5)        Programs
Gives some information that may help people
* Alabama Works
Connects you with career services;
* On the Job Training
Have information on training programs – get a downloading document called “WIOA/OJA) “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act On-The-Job Training Programs”
* Work Based Learning – gives information on Work Based Learning – takes you to Alabama State of Department of Education – gives description of worked based programs
* Apprenticeships Alabama (AA) – gives information on Apprenticeships – takes you to the Apprenticeships Alabama
* Unemployment compensation – gives information about unemployment program

Alabama can give resources to help job seekers.  Here were some the features that Alabama Workforce Development website may be able to help you

Highs and Lows in Job Search

Sometimes when I search for jobs – I would experience highs and lows in emotions – the process of searching for jobs I would experience highs and lows – the experience of highs and lows would be greater when I was searching for a full-time job position and was not currently employed.
Some of the highs and lows could be:

Highs (in general feeling you are making progress to a job position)
Some Highs could be:
* Send out an application
* Send out a resume
* Interview – in an interview that you think went well and may lead to a job off
* Get a job offer (a feeling of a very good High)
* Go to a career conference and talk to people and feel that you have a lead that could lead to a job position
* Your invited to an interview

Lows (in general feeling you are not making progress to a job position)
Some Lows could be:
* Online application – you finish filling out a application and then lose the application for some computer reason (power of the computer goes off; the file does not transfer or save or some reason like that) – and you feel you wasted your effort on the application
* Interview goes nowhere could be reasons like
* Interview for a job that was different than the job position you thought
* You are going to a job interview and then get stuck in a traffic jam that does not allow you to go to the job interview
* You have an interview believing that you may get a job offer and then find out later that you been rejected
* You send the application to the wrong place (could be areas like send the job application to the wrong address if sending the application through the mail; or send the application to the wrong e-mail)

Job hunting may have Highs and Lows when you are job hunting – here some ideas to help you deal with the Highs and Lows that you may feel in emotion when job hunting

* Recognize that you may express Highs and Lows in emotion when job hunting – you may experience difficulties with a job search being aware that the job process can experience Highs and Lows in emotion can help you deal with the emotions
* Creating a Routine – your job may establish a large part of your routine; if you lose your job, a big part of your routine may be gone; can be helpful to have part of your time be in an established routine – some ideas can be
* Career expert – talk to a career expert at an established time during the week
* Have a social event at the same time during the week
* Have established particular time when you job search in the week

* Social – when you are feeling difficulties with life; sometimes having social activities with people can be helpful.  Some ideas
* Job hunting groups – you can join a job-hunting group – a job hunting group where people come together to give support to each other in help finding a job
* Social groups that matches a person interest – take a hobby you may have and join a group of people that matches your hobby
* Social activities that helps with a social need – join a social activity that can help people like build homes, do something to help you by helping someone else
* Talk to people where you can express the Highs and Lows emotions that you are experiencing in the job search

* Volunteer – volunteer doing an activity; volunteer a activity that can give you confidence and feel important

* Experts – experts may be helpful; a counselor may be helpful to you in talking about your feelings; a career coach (or counselor) may be able to give you feedback in the job search.


Job Hunting may have you feel Highs and Lows – here are some ideas to deal with the Highs and Lows when you are searching for a job

Career Exploration and Career Stuff: Franchises and Benefit Packages

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

Let’s pretend you see a business called ABCD$$!! Store in your local corner in your town; you understand the ABCD$$!! Store has a good benefits package – so you apply and accept a job position at the ABCD$$!! Store at your local corner; you find the benefits offered by the ABCD$$!! Store at your local corner is different than the ABCD$$!! Store organization you know – let’s say the ABCD$$!! Store at your local corner has a better benefits package than you expected.

How can organization with the same name have two different benefit packages – one answer can be franchises.

A franchise where an owner will create a new organization using the same name of a different organization; the owner may pay a fee to use the different organization name; the owner may gain in name recognition if the different organization known to the public.  The owner may have freedom in some areas on operating the new business – some of these new areas can be having a different benefit package.  This is one way you can have two different benefits packages from two different organizations that have the same name.

When exploring a particular job of interest, look at the benefit package – you can see if that benefits package matches your needs.

Two organizations may have the same name – but the organizations may be different.  The different organizations may operate differently – including having different benefit packages offered to people.   You may want to explore what benefits package comes with the new job position before accepting the job position – that way you can determine if the new job position matches your needs.

Career Exploration and Career Stuff: Job Loss

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

When you lose a job – you can enter a stressful time in your life – people may experience a variety of emotions like surprise, sadness, loneliness, anger, and other emotions.  Here are some suggestions to deal with job loss

* Think of jobs as temporary – be aware that jobs are temporary – jobs begin, jobs end and some jobs change how they operate.  Don’t try to take it personally – jobs change and jobs are temporary.  The thought a job is temporary may lessen the strong emotions you may feel from a job loss. (even though you will still likely feel strong emotions with a job loss)

* Unemployment – you may qualify for unemployment insurance – unemployment may be able to give you financial assistance if you lose your job; you may be able get financial assistance while looking for another job position – check with your state employment program for specific details – the state employment program may be able to help you with finding your next job

* Social network – when you have the stress of a job loss, social groups can help support you in your time of stress from a job loss.

* Health – can be helpful to stay healthy – may look into doing exercises or eating healthy

* Routines – people who work may have an established routine from their workplace, when people lose their job, people may lose a big part of their routine.  People may find comfort in routine. Some ideas to create routine can be
(A) Job club – job club is a group of people who help people with job loss.  Job club may meet at a specific time (like the same day of the week)
(B) Meet with a group of friends on an established routine – meet at a specific time period
(C) Eat at established times
(D) Meet with career experts at established times

Dealing with job loss can be stressful – here some ideas to deal with the stress of a job loss.

Note: Busy with stuff next week, so not likely to be a Blog post for next week.  Will try to do a Blog post for the week after (April 8-12)

Career Exploration and Career Stuff: Current information

(been busy with life the last few weeks – hope to get back into writing blog posts – thank you for reading.  With the vast amount of stuff out there, I do appreciate you taking the time to read stuff on this web site)

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

Careers can change with time – some job positions can fade away; new job positions appear and some jobs may do tasks differently. With jobs able to change – it can be helpful to have current information.  Some ideas to have current information:
• Book – when you find a Book find the publication date
• Check the date when content (video, audio or print) created on the Internet (if the content has a date next to it)
• People – you can talk to people about their profession – information likely current unless the person left a career field many years ago; as you talk to people, check to see if the person is still in the field or when did the person leave the profession
• Personal experience – if you are currently working in a field or you recently left a career field – your information likely current; if you left a field many years ago, and thinking about getting back into the field – your information may not be current; – may want to do other tasks to explore the career field so that you can get current information on the career field; and verify the field the way you remember it may years ago

Current information on a career can be useful – careers can change with time – so current career information can be helpful.

Career Exploration and Career Stuff on the Internet Advertisements

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

You may find advertisements dealing with career stuff.  Advertisements dealing with career stuff can be in a variety of places like:
* Signs along the road
* T.V.
* Radio
* The Internet
* “help wanted” sign in front of a store

Advertisements dealing with career stuff can be in areas like:
* Jobs – see advertisements for specific job opportunities
* Careers – advertisements to have you enter a particular field; I seen examples of this to have people enter the public teaching profession
* Specific employers – you may see advertisements to look for employment opportunities for a specific employer
* Educational/training place – you may see advertisements on education or training
* Geographical areas – advertisements to have business locate in specific areas; state governments from the United States will advertise to have business come to their state
* Job Search assistance – you may find some places will advertise on giving you help to find a particular job; some places in this area can be
* Temporary placement firms – may be advertisements for a temporary firm to help place people find temporary job positions (also permanent job positions as well)
* Career expert – may see advertisements where a career expert can help a person with their career search

Advertisements can make you aware of opportunities.  Advertisements may give a particular angle towards the information that has the effect that the information may not be accurate.
Few examples of this can be
Educational place that advertises great job positions for a profession; the educational place may overemphasize the number of jobs in the profession to gain students
Job advertisements – when a person looks for a job position, a person may find different job advertisements.  A person who may have a job advertisement that promises a $1 million dollars a year and the job requires no effort and can be done part-time will likely be a job position that not accurate; a common saying goes something like “something sounds too good to be true, it probably is” can be helpful when looking at job positions

Advertisements can make us aware of opportunities that you may not be aware of; advertisements may have a particular point of view creating information that may not be accurate.  Evaluate the information you receive from advertisements to see if the information may be of value to you.

Career Exploration and Career Stuff on the Internet Ideas on Internet access

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

You may use the Internet looking up information like your favorite sports team, your travel plans, or career information on an occupation – and you find the Internet connection goes bad, poor, kaput, broken – whatever word you like to describe the connection to the Internet fails.  The computer device you are using fails (laptops, tablet, smart phone or another device) or the Internet connection you are using no longer working.  Here are some ideas to get Internet access:

* Workforce Development – the Workforce Development office in your local area may have computers that you may be able to use

* Free Public Wi-Fi Hotspots – you may be able to access the Internet from a free public Wi-Fi Hotspots.  Some spots can be:
Restaurants – (like McDonalds)
Public Wi-Fi hotspot may have different security features (if any).  Check to see if a public Wi-Fi hotspot will serve your needs; people may be able to read the data you send through a not secure Internet connection.

* Libraries – libraries may provide computer where people may be able to access the Internet.  Some different type of libraries to access computers and the Internet can be:
Public Libraries – these are libraries designed for the public – public libraries may have computers and Internet access
Colleges/universities – libraries geared towards colleges/universities; colleges/universities libraries help serve the needs of people associated with the college/university.  College/university may allow the public to use the library computers and have access to the Internet; check with the College/university library that may interest you.

* Stores – stores that specialize in business supplies and services may have computers and/or Internet access you can us.  Stores may charge for the service.  I have used FedEx to gain access to a computer and access to the Internet.  FedEx does charge for the service (contact FedEx to find information on rates)

* Backup – you may have a Backup computer device (laptop computer; tablet; smartphone; or another device) that you can use.  Or you can buy a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot  to gain access to the Internet.  Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots can be bought in a variety of stores (type “mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots” or “portable Wi-Fi Hotspots” in a search engine to get details)

* Cars – cars may have built-in Wi-Fi capability for people to use

You may have times where you cannot connect to the Internet; here are some options you may be able to connect to the Internet.

Career Exploration and Career Stuff on the Internet: Lists, Lists, and Lists

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

The beginning of 2019 you may see information showing lists about the past year.  You may see the 50 best places to travel in 2018, or 25 best movies in 2018, or best music of 2018.  Lists can vary in different topic areas.

You may find lists based upon career stuff.  You may see lists based on:

* Jobs – see lists that rank the Best Jobs of 2018.  The organization that created the list define what “best” happens to be.
(For example, “The 50 best jobs in America in 2018” from

* Highest Paying jobs list of 2018
(For example, “The Highest Paying Jobs of 2018” from
(link no longer works)

* Lowest Paying Job list of 2018
(For example, “The Lowest Paying Jobs You Can Find in America in 2018” from

* Ranking of Companies
Best companies to work for list of 2018
(For example, “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For 2018” from

* Worst companies to work for list of 2018
(For example, “What are the worst companies to work for? New report analyzes employee reviews” from

* Lists can be based upon geographical location
The best jobs list of New York City (Los Angeles, Las Vegas or other city) of 2018
For New York have “10 High-Paying Jobs In New York City 2018” from

Lists can be based upon a particular job feature
For example, can have lists of best jobs in education for 2018
(“The top 5 education jobs for 2018” at

Lists may give you information about possible careers and employers to explore.

Career Exploration and Career Stuff on the Internet: Star Wars, Feedback, and Job Search

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

Sometimes people can gain from feedback, talked about feedback in a prior post related to job hunting career exploration and stuff (posted Oct. 9, 2018). Going to add some additional thoughts.

If you are a science fiction fan and enjoy Star Wars, I watched a YouTube video called “How Star Wars was saved in the edit” by RocketJump (Published Dec 7, 2017). (if interested in finding the video go to YouTube and type in search “How Star Wars was saved in the edit”)

If you enjoy Star Wars and other science fiction you may enjoy the video, if Star Wars not really your interest area, you may still enjoy watching the video for it highlight the importance of feedback.  The video explains how Star Wars improved by seeking feedback from others.

Job hunting may not give many opportunities for a person to receive feedback except for many rejections.  You may find it helpful to obtain feedback.  Some areas of feedback could be:

* Friends
* Family
* Career Coaches (or career counselors)
* Career experts at Workforce Development office
* Feedback from a job club (a job club a social club that helps people find job positions)
* Career expert from Career associations (a career association where members are from a particular profession)
* Talk to people in the profession you have an interest in going into
* Job Search itself – if you are finding that what you are doing is not leading to success; may be a clue to seek feedback and try something else

Writing this from the United States – so we are currently in the Holiday Season for the end of the year –Hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season and may people have a wonderful blessed year next year.

(December 31, 2018 insert)
Not doing a Blob entry this week with having the holidays.  Hope everyone enjoying the end of the year and have a great New Year.

Career Exploration and Career Stuff on the Internet: Have your own career work related stuff

Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey. As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.

When looking for a job position; you may be able to increase the odds of getting the job position when you bring along evidence that you can do the job.  Couple of examples of this

Financial Analyst (sometimes called Research Analyst)
Financial Analyst use their research skills to help give recommendations for financial products.
Occupational Outlook Handbook will give you information on Financial Analysts

From the article “Advice on How to Become a Research Analyst” by Jason Voss
(Article from the CFA Institute: Career Center
Article gives the idea that one way to increase the odds of working as a financial (or research) analysts is to create a record of being able to do the work; create on your own research reports of doing the work of a financial analysts.  And let potential employers know the evidence of your work.
(CFA is a career professional association for the finance industry – resource to look for careers in finance)

Graphic Designers
Graphic Designers will create images used to communicate information or emotion.

From the Occupational Outlook Handbook, can find information on “Graphic Designers”
The Occupational Outlook Handbook mentions that can be helpful to have a collection of your work completed to show potential employers what you can do; “Candidates for graphic design positions should demonstrate their creativity and originality through a professional portfolio that features their best designs.” (from the Occupational Outlook Handbook in the section “How to Become a Graphic Designer”)

These are two examples where career work may increase your odds in obtaining a job position.  Creating a record of work stuff creates evidence that you can do the job position that you are looking for and may increase the odds of finding the work you want to do.