Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope is that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
You may wish to evaluate a potential employer.
Here are some ways to evaluate a potential employer.
- Work at the potential employer – you could start working for the employer. Your potential employer becomes your employer. Main problem with this evaluation method is that you dislike working for your new employer. You may have to look for new employment
- Temporary Agencies – you may be able to evaluate a potential employer as a temporary employee. Temporary agencies may have temp to hire arrangements where you can start off as a temporary employee and hired as a permanent employee later. (this assumes that the potential employer wants you as a permanent employee and you want to work for the employer)
- ( – web site has different career resources on it; one career resource is having a “Company Review” section where you can learn about a potential employer
- ( – web site contains a variety of different career resources. has a “Company Review” section that people can read. You do need to register with to have access to all the information on Registration is free
- Know people who work at the potential employer – if you know someone who works at that potential employer, you can ask that person their opinions
- Internships – a internship where you work for a particular organization to gain experience in a particular field. People may receive an income from doing an internship; education places may organize internships for students
- Employee Turnover – employee turnover how many employees are replaced in a given time period (often given as a percentage rate). A high employee turnover can indicate problems for a potential employer. You can do a search on a search engine using terms “employee turnover” and the name of the potential employer. The search results may give information on the employee turnover for a potential employer
- Job interview – you may be able to evaluate a company in the job interview; you may be able to evaluate the work environment and the potential job in the interview itself
- Best employers to work for lists– you can read best employers to work for lists. Different organizations can create different best employers to work for lists. For example, Forbes ( will give a best employers to work for list ( – link no longer works). (Forbes is a business magazine from America United States). Lists can vary based on the organization creating the list. I read best employers to work for lists organized by geography and by fields of work
- Type the potential employer in a search engine – Information on the potential employer may appear in the search results
You may wish to evaluate a potential employer. Evaluating a potential employer could help you decide if you wish to work for that potential employer
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
Occupations can vary in the number of people who work in that particular field. Work in some lines of work will have many people in that work field while other lines of work will have few people in that work field.
Using a resource called the Occupational Outlook Handbook (a government publication printed every two years giving details on the major careers fields in the United States) (the online edition at If you look up the occupation of Archivists you will find 6,800 people worked in that field (go to , click “education, training, and Library”, click “Archivists, curators, and Museum workers”, click “Job outlook” look for “Employment projections data for archivists, curators, and museum workers, 2016-26” chart).
If you look up the occupation of Customer Service Representative you will find 2,784,500 people work in that field (go to, click “Office and Administrative Support”, click “Customer Service Representative”, look for “Summary Facts: Customer Service Representative” chart)
You may have an easier time finding a job as a Customer Service Representative than as an Archivist. The number of people in a profession may influence how easy it is to find a job position in that particular profession
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
In the job search you may obtain information that you may wish to remember. You may decide to write notes to help you better remember the information. Times when you may write notes may be:
* hear a presentation at a job fair. A job fair may have presentations on different features of the job search.
* hear a presentation at a career association. A career association where people come together for a particular profession
* hear a presentation at a job club. A job club where a group of job seekers come together to help each other in their job search
* write notes in an informational interview. An informational interview where you ask people about their profession
* write notes in a job interview. Record your thoughts about the job interview
You may use notes to help you remember information.
You may find your notes incomplete after a job event. You may find it helpful to re-write your notes shortly after the job event where you can use memory as an aide.
I have found for myself when I write notes after a job event; I may have notes incomplete – find that if I can re-write the notes shortly after the job event, I can use my memory as an aide in writing the notes. I can have a more accurate notes to remember the information.
You may want to remember information from a job event. You may find notes can help you remember the information. If the notes are incomplete after a job event, you may find it helpful to re-write the notes. If you re-write the notes soon after a job event, you may be able to use your memory as an aide to help you re-write the notes.
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
You may travel to a particular place in your job search; you may travel to
* Have an interview with a potential employer
* You may be going off to a job club (social organization of other job seekers where people help each other to find career options)
* Going off to meet a career expert
Your travel plans may not go as planned: your travel plans may change due to:
* You become lost
* Construction – route has construction on it
* Accidents – a accident occurs to delay your travels
* Your car does not work
* Your bus delayed in arriving
* Your Subway train route is not working
* Traffic Jam – you caught in traffic and cannot go anywhere
Have contact information to the place you are traveling
Have contact information of the place that you are traveling to with you. Communicate with your contact the travel problems (only contact your destination when it is safe to do so). You may be able to adjust travel plans with your contact.
No need to search to find a phone number or other contact information; for you will have the contact information with you.
Have contact information to the place you are traveling to. You can communicate to your contact travel problems. Travel plans may adjust with your contact (again, communicate with your contact when it is safe to do so).
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
Passwords can be a tool in career area.
Some of the areas can be:
* Emails used for the job search
* Created accounts on Workforce Development websites
* Created accounts on potential employer websites
* Created accounts on job search websites
Good constructed passwords can help in the job process. Great constructed passwords can help reduce the odds of forgetting the password. Good constructed passwords can reduce the odds that a password fails to protect a account. Well-constructed passwords can reduce the odds of having problems with your password and have additional time in your career area.
If you do a Google search and type in phrases like “passwords how to create strong”, “passwords ways to remember” or “passwords” – you can find a collection of useful ideas.
One resource from the Department of Homeland Security created a document “Creating a Password Tip Card” – gives tips like:
* “Make your password eight characters or longer”
* “Use a long passphrase”
* “Don’t make passwords easy to guess”
* “Avoid using common words in your password”
* “Get creative”
* “Never share your password”
* “Unique account, unique password”
* “Use stronger authentication”
Tips come from the Department of Homeland Security
Pathway to the Department of Homeland Security web site
Then on the left side of the screen do a search on “passwords”
Then get a list of options, choose the option of “Creating a Password Tip Card”
Good constructed passwords can reduce the odds of having problems with your passwords. You will gain additional time to search for your career area.
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
When you search for a job position, you may find the following activities may happen to you:
• You search the Internet for job positions
• You find a job position that may interest you
• You apply for the job position
• You obtain an interview offer
• You agree to the interview
• You have a copy of the job position. You copied the job position at the same time you applied for the job position. If you had waited after the interview offer, you would not have found a copy of the job position listed on the Internet. The organization you have the interview with list Internet job positions that the organization currently accepting applications for; once the organization is no longer accepting application for the job position – the job position no longer listed on the Internet.
You may find it easier to make a copy of the job position when you apply for a job position on the Internet. You may find some organizations will only list job positions during time periods when the organization is accepting applications.
Plan for my next Blog post two weeks from now – (life busy for me next week) – thanks for reading.
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that helpful to you.
I could use a large amount of information to fill in an application. The information could be:
Employment History
(for each employer)
The physical address
Job title
Your supervisor
The employer phone number
The employer e-mail
Rate of pay
Job Description
The time frame that your worked in job position
Education history
(for each education place)
Course of study
How many credit hours for the degree
How many credit hours for different courses of study
When did you attend the educational place
Grade point average
Did you graduate
(for each Reference)
Persons name
Reference address
Reference phone number
Reference e-mail
Reference job title
List specific training sessions related to job and/or professional field
License (if it applies)
What licenses do you have
Publications (if it applies)
What publications have your written
You may need to look up information to fill in an application. You may be searching for the same information each time you fill in an application.
You may find collecting the information in one spot could save you effort in searching for information each time you fill in an application.
Your physical documents could be in one spot. The physical documents could be in a folder for example.
You may be able to organize your electronic information in one place like a word – processing file. You can call the word processing file any name you want; for this example, let’s say the word processing file name is collection deposit reference. Collection deposit reference file would be for your use as a reference for information to fill in applications. The collection deposit reference file would be the one place to find information each time you fill in an application.
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that is helpful to you.
People can have routines in their lives. Work can be a routine for people lives. Routines can be like;
* Wake up at a certain time
* Have an established work routine going to work (eat breakfast, put on work clothes, travel the same or similar route to work, stop be the same coffee shop or gas station and so on)
* Spend time on work tasks at the work place
* Have an established work routine to leave work (stop by the cafe or bar after work, travel the same route back home, eat supper at an established time and so on)
When people lose their jobs, people can feel a great degree of stress. Part of the stress can be the established routine of a workplace disappears. What provided structure for many people becomes lost.
You may find it helpful to establish routine ideas as you search for a job. Below are some ideas to established a routine while searching for a job. Some established ideas for a routine can be:
* Wake up at an established time on certain days
* Have established time periods you spend time searching for a job position
* Go to see a career expert at an established time period that you repeat (like the same day and time during the week). Career Expert could be from a number of different places like Workforce Development, a non-profit organization (like Goodwill), or hiring your own career expert (like a career coach or career counselor). Besides establishing a routine, a career expert can help give feedback on your job search
* Go to a job club (a job club is a social group of job seekers looking for a job position) where people help each other search to find a job. The social component to a job club can be helpful; searching for a job position can be a lonely process and a job club can help provide social support
* Go to other social groups at structured times (going to a hobby group, a place of workshop, a social services group). The social group can be helpful to give you support while searching for a job position
* Meet family or friend members at a particular time
* Exercise – having an established time to exercise may be helpful to deal with stress and keep you healthy
* Listen or watch media programs at an established time (like watch your favorite comedy program at a the same time in the week)
* Eat meals at established time periods
These are some ideas to create routine while searching for a job position. Routine ideas to a schedule may help make your job search easier.
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that is helpful to you.
I have found that when I obtain feedback on something, I can often improve doing that something
Feedback I am thinking about is the feedback where you give suggestions to another person on ideas to improve. The suggestions still allow the person to decide if they want to use the suggestion or not. Could be expressed like “Here are some suggestions to improve your resume” or “Here are some suggestions to improve your application” and so on.
When I searched for a job position, sometimes the only feedback I would obtain from a job search was a lot of rejections. I would not get any other type of feedback in a job search – like ways to improve a cover letter, ways to improve an application, ways to improve an interview.
The job search itself would provide no additional feedback except for rejections.
I have sometimes found it helpful to get feedback from other sources – Some of the other sources can be:
* Friends
* Family
* Career Coaches (or career counselors)
* Career experts at Workforce Development office
* Feedback from a job club (a job club a social club that helps people find job positions)
* Career expert from Career associations (a career association where members are focused on a particular profession)
* Talk to people in the profession you have a interest in going into
I have found getting feedback in my job search could improve my job search. So, if you are getting many rejections in your job search; if you are having difficulty creating an effective cover letter, application, interview – or some other aspect of the job search process – look at getting feedback.
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog
Career Exploration and Career Stuff on the Internet: Search for information
Series of Blog posts on career stuff. Focus will be on career exploration and Internet job resources. My hope that you will find the information helpful in your career journey.
As with anything you read on the internet, please evaluate the information you read and use the specific information that is helpful to you.
You want to find information on something – where do you go off to find it. I guess you could do a variety of different activities to find information. Some ideas could be
* Ask an expert (if you can find one)
* You can ask a person randomly off the street
* You could look at an ancient achieve looking through historic documents
* You could just guess
* You could do a search the Internet using a search engine
You could probably think of other ways to find information than those listed above – some ways to find information are likely to be more effective than others. I would like to focus on using search engines to find information on the Internet.
My guess is that most people are familiar with using search engines – places on the Internet that you can use to find information on the Internet. Google would be a common search engine.
If you are using a search engine, and you are not finding the information you are looking for – try the Help section. Sometimes a search engine may provide a help section. I like to use Google as an example in using a help section.
(going to give some information about the Help section – I am giving a description on how the Google web site looks from my computer screen, you computer screen may look different) (words in italic are words that were on the computer screen)
Go to google web site –
You will find at the bottom part of the screen – you can find
Setting option
This will open a menu of different options – you can select
Search Help
Then scroll down to the
Filter & refine your results section
And select the option
How to Search on Google
You read about some ways to help you search on Google
One technique is when you are trying to search a phrase
If you scroll down
In the Expert Search Tips
You can select
Search Options
And you can read about how to search for a phrase in the section called
Search for an exact match
And you can read about putting a phrase (“ ”) when you want to find documents that have a particular phrase
Career Exploration, Live Your Life Learning Blog