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Category: General Thought Posts

General Thought Posts

Numbers Number Numbers

I decided I wanted to explore and learn new stuff.  I learned that our local college was having an exhibit showing off different stuff.  The Science Department and Art Department were both having exhibits.  I went off to the local college and look at the Science Department.

I found the Science Department was using poster boards to explain stuff.  Poster boards can be useful to explain stuff so I decided to look at the material on the poster boards.  The poster boards were on the wall.

I saw one poster board called “Normal Number System”, you know the number system that people learned in school like 1,2,3,4,5, and so on – very good tool and glad people learn it and use it

Then somehow, I took a wrong turn and ended up in the Art department.  The Science Department and Art Department are right next to each other.  I enjoy learning new stuff so decided to look at the items in the Art Department.  The Art Department was also using poster boards to describe stuff.  The poster boards were on the wall.

The first poster board in the Art section called “Hexadecimal Numbers” and the poster board had mixture of numbers and letters and the poster board showed creativity going through an explanation of words how letters are numbers like “A” is 10, “B” is “11”, and so on until you get to 16 or something like that; will admit the artist had a lot of imagination.

Anyway, went to the next poster board and the poster board called “Binary Numbers” a strange piece; had a white poster board that had a bunch of “0” and “1” on it. Which is fine, I found the piece to be somewhat boring, but will admit the artist had a lot of imagination.

I do not mind looking at these two poster boards, I do try to expand my mind when it comes to artwork, and try to experience new things; troubled the artist for “Hexadecimal Numbers” and “Binary Numbers” seem to communicate in their artwork somehow connected to reality and was not artwork; I do not like mislabeling of claiming something that was science when it was art. I thought I may complain to the Art Department but I decided to go to the next art piece.

The next art piece called “Imaginary Numbers” and my concerns were taken care of – this art piece was at least true in labeling the numbers were imaginary created by the artist without claiming the numbers were connected to real life.  The art piece had a variety of stuff like small “i”, some sort of cure wave line that is hard to describe.  A person really has to see the art piece to see the creativity involved.   The art piece also showed small numbers and equal signs. – the piece looked interesting – I would probably add a few more symbols like smiley faces, trees, and mountains myself but I am not the artist. And the artist used a lot of imagination. And I appreciate the truth that this artist used to describe the art piece, the numbers are “imaginary”.

(attempted humor here, hexadecimal, binary and imaginary numbers are real and used in science for those who may not know). (and yes, my non mathematical brain cannot understand it, the numbers written on a page might as well be art work to me).

Amazing Piece of Literature Slowing Coming to You (Continues)

Some pieces of literature are great
Some pieces of literature are grand
Some pieces of literature are glorious
We now reveal to you the reader – a great, grand, glorious piece of literature
We now read the following:

A wonderfu

This has been a great, grand, glorious piece of literature that slowly being revealed.
Stay tune to future posts when we uncover another letter to this great, grand, glorious piece of literature.

Research, T.V. And Fun

Research can be helpful to know what you are doing; cannot research everything but can be helpful to do some research if you can.

Television can have a influence on people; I give the example of the New York Ball falling down.

I would watch on New Years Eve as a child into adulthood the New York ball fall down.  I somewhere came up with the idea of going to New York and see the Ball drop in person; see the event live.  I saw people having fun and celebrating the New Year occurring on TV and I wanted to be part of the party; part of the celebration.

I saw the New York ball fall down this year 2019/2020 and enjoyed it; part of the enjoyment was fulfilling a childhood dream.  I had the fulfillment of a long dream of mine.

With that being said, if the T.V. had said that:
– You cannot warm up when you want (many of the stores were closed in Times Square)
– You cannot eat (unless you bring food along, did see someone order pizza? – not sure how that worked?? But in general, no food is available)
– You cannot go to the bathroom (if go to bathroom you will leave the area; and cannot come back)
– You cannot sit down (may be able to sit on the border fence or ground; But no chairs and cannot bring chairs)
I would have thought the people going to see the ball falling down on New Years Eve as idiots and having a delusional attack of the mind of some kind.

I lucked out – I was able to research the event ahead of time (thank you Google and YouTube) (YouTube video has videos about the New Years Eve ball drop); so I knew what was coming up with the event; I also lucked out with the weather; if you know what the event going to be like; you can make a determination if you want to go to event.

If you do your research and know what to expect, I would say watching the New York ball fall down in person is a event you will likely never forget; I was lucky I was able to fulfill a lifetime dream; and any time a person can fulfill a lifetime dream is something to celebrate for any person anywhere
(I guess technically would say positive dream; if you dream take over the world and be life worldwide dictator; then would hope that dream never occurs)

As always, thanks for reading – it is a joy and privilege to offer writing that people can enjoy and take time out of their busy schedule to read.

What may be

With understanding that opinions can be wrong and/or people can disagree with opinions, I would like to offer one now…

Look at the impeachment process and possible results. I am making the assumption the president will not be impeached.

I suspect that there will be an avalanche of stuff produced as a result of the impeachment process. So, I decided to add my thoughts to the Blah Blah pile.

These are guesses of what may occur – so the guesses may be wrong or right – if I was good at predicating the future, I would be a mega – gazillionaire by winning the lottery numbers.

Helpful to know the Bias of the author; I tend to have a liberal bias.; with that being said, do not like the idea that we box people in teams or tribes of “liberal” or “conservative” (or maybe it’s “democratic” or “republican – have no real idea how the teams or tribes are defined).
Think life much more complicated than having two teams or tribes; people can have multiple opinions on a variety of different topics. And the people I know will respect your opinion as long as you don’t attempt to force your opinion onto others.
My biggest concern about the idea of political tribes or teams is the potential loss of human connections that otherwise may occur if people are on opposite teams or tribes – may not agree with a person politically but may be able to connect with a person in sports, hobbies or some other area of life.

Anyway, here my guess of what the impeachment process may do
* President office become stronger; the office of the President will become more powerful.
* Investigations will become usual and routine.
People in power will use investigations as a political tool.
People out of power will see investigations as worthless and politically motivated.
Whistle blowers and those in government who say investigations have problems will be reduced.
Investigations that have broad support or done in nonpartisan way will be reduced.
* Government information can have a slant view – information may have a more slant view to those in government; all types of information – history, economic, medical, may be adjusted to those in power. The result is people may not find the government information as reliable or trusted.
* Information will be judged by a person’s viewpoint – the space of information that all (or the majority) of people agree to be correct will be reduced. Whether you view the information correct or not will be influenced by your prior beliefs, experiences, and ideas.

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read my blah blah thoughts on the topic. It is wonderful to have people read my stuff; I do enjoy people taking the time to read my stuff out of the multiple many choices people can read from. Thank you.

As with everything I create, some parts of this post may be right and some parts of this post may be wrong. The idea of post was to create thought and discussion. Again, thanks for reading.

“The sky is Purple”

With understanding that opinions can be wrong and/or people can disagree with opinions, I would like to offer one now…

“The sky is Purple”

When you look at the sky on a clear day, what color is it?  If you say “blue” you are most mistaken, for that was an answer in the Old Times.  In the New Times, the answer varied upon what the dominant wind says the answer should be.  If the dominant wind says the sky is “purple”, you say “purple”.  If the dominant wind says the sky “green”, you say “green”.  If the dominant wind says the sky is “polka dotted”, you say “polka dotted”.  Your answer based upon what the dominate wind says the answer should be.

What is the dominant wind you ask?  The dominant wind is the dominant society view in society; it is the view that has power, the view that has strength.  The view that gives rewards to those who answer correctly; and punishes those who answer wrong.  The dominant wind may come from economic, political, or whatever source it may be – but it is the view on top, the view that has power. The dominant wind is the society viewpoint that the strongest at the time.

You may find the following skills useful in the New Times.
*Able to identify the dominate wind
*Give the correct answer of what the dominate wind says the answer should be
*Alert enough to know when the dominant wind changes
*Change your answer to match what the new dominant wind says the answer should be
*Forget old answers; old answers based upon old dominant winds; if challenge, say the old answers were “false”, “your responses were falsified” or something similar.
(You need to change your answers fast and with certainty).

Some features of the New Times

In competition for political (economic, social) power may have the following features:

*Attack, Attack, Attack – your best defense is the offense.  You attack the person on everything.  Attack the person enough that the person destroyed.  If the person able to withstand the attacks, attack the person close connections – family, friends, close acquaintances – attack until the opponent destroyed and squashed.
*Government serves the dominant wind –government serves the dominant wind.  Government regulations, ideas, funding, facts, investigations all serve the dominant wind.  Everything in the government services the new dominant wind including weather reports, economic data, medical data, history – everything.
When a new dominant wind dominates government, government services adjust to the new dominant wind.  All old ideas related to the old dominant winds are false.
*Marketing slogans are important in the New Times – Long discussion of complex policies and procedures are such Old Times – in the New Times we create marketing slogans – simple easy to remember marketing slogans – pick a few effective marketing slogans and repeat, repeat, repeat.  Repeat the marketing slogans enough that the marketing slogans are burned in everyone’s subconscious. Repeat, repeat, repeat that everyone (or almost everyone) believes the marketing slogans.  Additional add-ons are to create visual and sound symbols related to the marketing slogans.

Welcome to the New Times – where the sky may be “purple”, “gray”, “polka dotted” any color except for “Blue”

The following was a thought piece of where society may be going; I am not good at guessing the future; and my hope the society described here is one where the society is not going; the writing piece designed for discussion and thought – and like everything else I create may be wrong in parts and correct in others.

Thank you for reading

Amazing Piece of Literature Slowing Coming to You (Continues)

Some pieces of literature are great
Some pieces of literature are grand
Some pieces of literature are glorious
We now reveal to you the reader – a great, grand, glorious piece of literature
We now read the following:

A wonderf

This has been a great, grand, glorious piece of literature that slowly being revealed.
Stay tune to future posts when we uncover another letter to this great, grand, glorious piece of literature.

Amazing Piece of Literature Slowing Coming to You (Continues)

Some pieces of literature are great
Some pieces of literature are grand
Some pieces of literature are glorious
We now reveal to you the reader – a great, grand, glorious piece of literature
We now read the following:

A wonder

This has been a great, grand, glorious piece of literature that slowly being revealed.
Stay tune to future posts when we uncover another letter to this great, grand, glorious piece of literature.

Amazing Piece of Literature Slowing Coming to You (Continues)

Some pieces of literature are great
Some pieces of literature are grand
Some pieces of literature are glorious
We now reveal to you the reader – a great, grand, glorious piece of literature
We now read the following:

A wonde

This has been a great, grand, glorious piece of literature that slowly being revealed.
Stay tune to future posts when we uncover another letter to this great, grand, glorious piece of literature.

Contests – Dream to win a mega – gazillion – problems with contests

One of my hobbies is contests – gives me the chance to dream about winning the mega-gazillion.  Contests can give you a chance to dream.

My time I spend on contests focus on two areas.  The areas are:

* The Balance Everyday
(the link no longer works)

* Publishers Clearing House

I will describe in one Blog post the Balance Everyday web site and another Blog post Publishers Clearing House web site.  My contest hobby been these two websites – so I cannot describe other contest areas on the Internet.  Had no problems myself with these two websites.  I would like to make you aware of some of the problems that can occur with contests.

This Blog post will focus on some of the problems that contests may have – problems like:

* Fraud
* Lose your money (Be careful paying to enter a contest)
* Computer viruses – possible to get a computer virus by visiting a computer web page; some ideas to deal with computer virus is back up your stuff and anti-viruses software
* Hassles contacts
* Waste of time – enter fake contests and never win anything
* False hope – during times when I had financial difficulties, thought contests could be the “answer” – I think contests are fun – do not assume contests to be your “answer” towards financial distress

If you are under financial distress, look at social services groups that may be able to help you, one social service is the United Way – the United Way has a phone service called 211 – you can call 211 – and be connected to a local service agencies that can be helpful to you  (this applies for people in the United States; not sure about other regions)

For details look at

* Not Winning Anything – legitimate contests can have odds making it difficult to win anything
You may enter contests and become frustrated with not winning anything – some ideas

* Entering contests with smaller prizes (idea from the Balance Everyday web page) – you may increase the odds of winning by focusing on contests that you win smaller prizes
* Focus on how much time you enter contests – I will focus on how much time I enter contests; Ideally, I want to enter contest where I can dream winning but not spend so much time entering contests I get frustrated.  I vary in how much time I enter contests (can vary from half hour each day to enter contests to one time every few months)


For information about possible problems with contests, you can look at
Federal Trade Commission


Contests are a way to dream winning the mega – gazillion.  Contests can create problems for people.  Next few blogs posts focusing on contests will describe the contests on the Balance Everyday web page and Publishers Clearing House web page.

Add on (July 20, 2019)
Corrections to the above web blog – should mention never had any problems with the Balance Everyday or Publishers Clearing house – so change sentence to  “Had problems myself with these two websites” to “Had no problems myself with these two websites” – left out the word No.  Amazing how one word left out can change the meaning of a sentence.

Also wanted to mention that the United Way 211 service applies to people in the United States; not sure about other regions.

Added this correction section to mention that while try to get everything correct; sometimes read stuff later find had it wrong – so always writing, learning and growing.

I made these corrections in the original Blog post

Thanks for reading.

Benjamin Franklin – effective no matter what your age

July 4th the day we celebrate the United States Independence from England, people may think about the American Revolutionary War.  I enjoy reading about the heroes of the American Revolutionary War.  One of the heroes of the American Revolution War I enjoy is Benjamin Franklin – here was a hero that was an inventor, took part in the American revolutionary activities and a successful Business person.

Benjamin Franklin was involved in many of the American Revolution activities at a age when people may consider a person no longer able to contribute or be effective in society; some examples are
•           1776 – Declaration of Independence (Benjamin Franklin was 70 years old)
•           1776 – diplomat to France (Benjamin Franklin was 70 years old)
•           1783 – 1783 Treaty of Pairs – ends the American Revolutionary War (Benjamin Franklin was 77 years old)
•           1787 – United States Constitution Convention (Benjamin Franklin was 81 years old)

For me, Benjamin Franklin can be as an example of what you can do no matter what your age happens to be.  Regardless what age a person may be, a person can be effective and contributor to society – just like Benjamin Franklin.

(source “Benjamin Franklin Timeline 1741 – 1790”