Remote Careers: Question this week:
Prior Posts Question
From prior posts, we asked people their thoughts on the following question:
- What benefits can you have with Remote Work?
Results are in:
We now have the results in
We did not get any responses from electronic sources, so I used sources from people I met face-to-face.
From those sources, the top winner from the question is:
- Not having to travel back and forth from work.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
Now, for this next week, here is another question.
- What Is your favorite remote job?
- Or, if you do not have a remote career experience, what would you think would be your favorite remote job?
Let me know your thoughts on the question above; write to the following e-mail and give me your thoughts.
E-mail at: helpfulfeedback@yahoo.com
And we will look at the results next week.
Thanks, everyone; take care.
Mike Searson