Research, T.V. And Fun
Research can be helpful to know what you are doing; cannot research everything but can be helpful to do some research if you can.
Television can have a influence on people; I give the example of the New York Ball falling down.
I would watch on New Years Eve as a child into adulthood the New York ball fall down. I somewhere came up with the idea of going to New York and see the Ball drop in person; see the event live. I saw people having fun and celebrating the New Year occurring on TV and I wanted to be part of the party; part of the celebration.
I saw the New York ball fall down this year 2019/2020 and enjoyed it; part of the enjoyment was fulfilling a childhood dream. I had the fulfillment of a long dream of mine.
With that being said, if the T.V. had said that:
– You cannot warm up when you want (many of the stores were closed in Times Square)
– You cannot eat (unless you bring food along, did see someone order pizza? – not sure how that worked?? But in general, no food is available)
– You cannot go to the bathroom (if go to bathroom you will leave the area; and cannot come back)
– You cannot sit down (may be able to sit on the border fence or ground; But no chairs and cannot bring chairs)
I would have thought the people going to see the ball falling down on New Years Eve as idiots and having a delusional attack of the mind of some kind.
I lucked out – I was able to research the event ahead of time (thank you Google and YouTube) (YouTube video has videos about the New Years Eve ball drop); so I knew what was coming up with the event; I also lucked out with the weather; if you know what the event going to be like; you can make a determination if you want to go to event.
If you do your research and know what to expect, I would say watching the New York ball fall down in person is a event you will likely never forget; I was lucky I was able to fulfill a lifetime dream; and any time a person can fulfill a lifetime dream is something to celebrate for any person anywhere
(I guess technically would say positive dream; if you dream take over the world and be life worldwide dictator; then would hope that dream never occurs)
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