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What may be

With understanding that opinions can be wrong and/or people can disagree with opinions, I would like to offer one now…

Look at the impeachment process and possible results. I am making the assumption the president will not be impeached.

I suspect that there will be an avalanche of stuff produced as a result of the impeachment process. So, I decided to add my thoughts to the Blah Blah pile.

These are guesses of what may occur – so the guesses may be wrong or right – if I was good at predicating the future, I would be a mega – gazillionaire by winning the lottery numbers.

Helpful to know the Bias of the author; I tend to have a liberal bias.; with that being said, do not like the idea that we box people in teams or tribes of “liberal” or “conservative” (or maybe it’s “democratic” or “republican – have no real idea how the teams or tribes are defined).
Think life much more complicated than having two teams or tribes; people can have multiple opinions on a variety of different topics. And the people I know will respect your opinion as long as you don’t attempt to force your opinion onto others.
My biggest concern about the idea of political tribes or teams is the potential loss of human connections that otherwise may occur if people are on opposite teams or tribes – may not agree with a person politically but may be able to connect with a person in sports, hobbies or some other area of life.

Anyway, here my guess of what the impeachment process may do
* President office become stronger; the office of the President will become more powerful.
* Investigations will become usual and routine.
People in power will use investigations as a political tool.
People out of power will see investigations as worthless and politically motivated.
Whistle blowers and those in government who say investigations have problems will be reduced.
Investigations that have broad support or done in nonpartisan way will be reduced.
* Government information can have a slant view – information may have a more slant view to those in government; all types of information – history, economic, medical, may be adjusted to those in power. The result is people may not find the government information as reliable or trusted.
* Information will be judged by a person’s viewpoint – the space of information that all (or the majority) of people agree to be correct will be reduced. Whether you view the information correct or not will be influenced by your prior beliefs, experiences, and ideas.

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read my blah blah thoughts on the topic. It is wonderful to have people read my stuff; I do enjoy people taking the time to read my stuff out of the multiple many choices people can read from. Thank you.

As with everything I create, some parts of this post may be right and some parts of this post may be wrong. The idea of post was to create thought and discussion. Again, thanks for reading.

