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Benjamin Franklin – effective no matter what your age

July 4th the day we celebrate the United States Independence from England, people may think about the American Revolutionary War.  I enjoy reading about the heroes of the American Revolutionary War.  One of the heroes of the American Revolution War I enjoy is Benjamin Franklin – here was a hero that was an inventor, took part in the American revolutionary activities and a successful Business person.

Benjamin Franklin was involved in many of the American Revolution activities at a age when people may consider a person no longer able to contribute or be effective in society; some examples are
•           1776 – Declaration of Independence (Benjamin Franklin was 70 years old)
•           1776 – diplomat to France (Benjamin Franklin was 70 years old)
•           1783 – 1783 Treaty of Pairs – ends the American Revolutionary War (Benjamin Franklin was 77 years old)
•           1787 – United States Constitution Convention (Benjamin Franklin was 81 years old)

For me, Benjamin Franklin can be as an example of what you can do no matter what your age happens to be.  Regardless what age a person may be, a person can be effective and contributor to society – just like Benjamin Franklin.

(source “Benjamin Franklin Timeline 1741 – 1790”

