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With understanding that opinions can be wrong and/or people can disagree with opinions, I would like to offer one now…

Sometimes when you hear, see or read the news – you will be able to learn about events going on in the world; the events tend to be negative – so it is fun, hopeful and optimistic to read two articles that talk about positive trends

(1) One from the New York Times
“Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History!” (By Nicholas Kristof) (January 5, 2019)

(2) Second from an Economist publication called The World in 2019
(Economist is a magazine that looks at world news events)
“Follow the trendlines” (By Steven Pinker) (November 7 2018)

While news events can be negative; some society trends are positive – may not be noticed by reading, seeing, or listening to the news.

People worldwide are more connected, more healthier, more wealthier, more safer than at any other time in the history of civilization

Two areas that can put doubt on the optimism for readers

* All the progress society has made can be gone in a afternoon (perhaps a Bacteria may survive someplace)
* Your individual experience is not going well
(if you are in pain, under stress from your surroundings, lonely, hungry or any other negative hard situation a person may have) – reading, listening, or watching information about society improving may not mean very much to you

I believe society is improving and things will be great in the future – if we can prevent from destroying ourselves.  The article “Follow the Trendlines” (By Steven Pinken) is on page 77 in my copy of the Economist The World in 2019.  The lucky number 7 on the same page on an article describing the positive stuff occurring in the society – maybe we are in a wonderful world after all.