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Advanced Search Screen Feature: Find What You Are Looking For

You Do a Search

You may look for information. You may decide the Internet is a great place to find information. So, you go to Google (or some other type of search engine), type out your words in the search box, and start your search.
And you find……..nothing.

You do not find the results you want to see
What do you do?
Advance Search Screen Feature

You can consider an Advance Search Screen Feature. An Advance Search Screen Feature on some Internet search tools may give you more options to find the information. Two examples of Advance Search Screen Features are:
Google ( and Indeed (

          Google- finding what you want

Google provides an Advance Search Screen Feature to help people find information.
You can access Google Advance Search Screen Feature by doing a Google search using the phrase “Advance Search screen for Google.”You then (hopefully) may get a search result that will lead you to an Advance Search Screen Feature.

Google Advance Search Screen Feature
You can see different search boxes giving you different ways to do a word search.
You determine what type of search you want to do by choosing a specific search box.

Some options that you can do a Google search can be:

  • All these words
  • This exact word or phrase
  • Any of these words
  • None of these words

Indeed–find your job easier with Advance Search Features

You may search for a job on a Job Board Website. The word search on a Job Board website gives you a job results that are ok. You get job positions in your job search that do not relate to the job positions you are attempting to find. One way to improve your job search results is to use an Advance Search Screen Feature on a Job Board website (if there is one). For example, Indeed is a job board website with an Advance Search Screen Feature.


          Ways to find Advance Search Screen Feature on Indeed

Go to
Do a Job search of some kind (does not matter what you searched for)
Fill in something for two search boxes, which are:

  • What–type of career you are interested in
  • Where–where you want the job to be located (or can type in “remote” for remote opportunities).

After doing one search, you will get a job search result.
You will notice a link that says, “Advanced Job Search”
Next to the “Find Job.” search box.

Click on the “Advanced Job Search” link to go to the Advance Job Search Screen Feature

Another way find the Indeed Advanced Job Search Screen Feature

You can also do a Google search using a search phrase like “Advance Search screen for indeed.” You may find a search result that has the Advance Search Screen Feature for Indeed. Advance Search Screen Feature
You see different search boxes giving you different ways to search for word terms. Some examples are:

  • With all of these words
  • With the exact phrase
  • With at least one of these words
  • With these words in the title (this option can help narrow a search by searching word search terms in the job title only)

In conclusion, Advanced Search Screen Features in search tools may help you find your information more accessible. You may use Advance Search Screen Features in search engines like Google or job boards like Indeed.


