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Great, Grand, Glorious, Grammar (Job – Hunting Document) (1st part of 2)

(The following is about grammar and writing; this is the first part of two articles; the second part will appear next week.)

The grammar you use to compose your writing can reflect on you when you write. You can create a positive impression for a reader by writing materials that are free of grammar mistakes. Conversely, a piece of writing with many grammar mistakes can form a negative opinion about the author.

A job search can include a variety of written documents. A resume, cover letter, thank-you letter, and a portfolio are some job-written documents a person may have. These written documents may have an impact on how a potential employer perceives the job seeker. Job seekers who have many errors in their written documentation may miss out on opportunities. Conversely, written documentation with no grammar errors can help a job seeker with job opportunities.

3 step processes to find errors

You may have a method by which you may try to find errors in your writings.  You may find the following three-step approach helpful in finding errors.

1st Step: Find errors yourself as the author.
2nd Step: Use Internet tools to help find grammar errors
3rd step: Use another human (a third eye) to help find grammar errors (will appear in 2nd article next week)

1st Step: Find errors yourself as the author.

You can try to detect errors in your piece of writing after you have finished composing it.

Here are some tips that have helped me detect errors in my writing:

  • Edit a piece of writing after it has been written. You may have success editing your writing by putting in time between writing the words and then editing them.
  • Read your writing aloud to yourself. Sometimes, hearing your voice can help you spot errors.
  • Give yourself time to find errors. It may be more difficult to detect mistakes if you are in a rush to finish your writing. You may have a better time finding errors if you have time to find them. Also, being in a peaceful state of mind can improve your chances of finding errors.


2nd Step: Use Internet tools to help find grammar errors

Grammar Software–Internet tools that can help you detect errors in your writing.
The Internet may help you with the grammar errors in your writing.
Grammar software is software designed to help you find grammatical errors.

Grammar software may provide suggestions on how to correct possible errors in your writing.  These suggestions may or may not fit your writing. You will need to evaluate the suggestions to see if they work for you.

Grammar software reviews

By reading grammar software-related articles on the Internet, a person can learn about various options in grammar software. You can type in a Google search using phrases like “grammar software reviews 2021” to get articles on grammar software. Adding the word “2021” to your search will help you identify articles that explain more current software.

Here are some articles that can give you details on grammar software:

Article Title: “10 Best Grammar Checker Tools; Ranked and Rated”
Article Published: Could not find a date
Author of Article: By Byran Collins
Article Address:

Article Title: Best Online Grammar Checker 2021
Article Published: April 23, 2021
Author of Article: By Jessica Richards
Article Address:

Article Title: “15 Best Online Grammar Tools for 2021”
Article Published: July 29, 2021
Author of Article: by Ogi Djuraskovic
Article Address:

These articles can give you information on top-rated grammar software.
The cost of the grammar software can vary from free to moderate cost.

Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid (what I started using myself)

Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid are two grammar checker software programs that I utilize.
Here is a rundown of what each one entails:


Web Address Grammarly:
Grammarly is a software that can check for grammar errors.
A person can type in the website for Grammarly at 
You need to create a user account. 
On the left side of the screen, you have your text from your writing, and then on the right side of the screen will be suggestions of how to correct errors in your writing.

Grammarly can provide suggestions on how to improve your writing; however, you will want to evaluate the suggestions to see if they work for you.

A good YouTube video that describes Grammarly is:

YouTube Video Title: Grammarly Tutorial | Improve Your Writing
YouTube Video Published: April 26, 2020
YouTube Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
YouTube Address:

The video gives an excellent introduction to the tools of Grammarly.

Grammarly has a free version and Grammarly Premium edition.
Grammarly Premium gives more options to find errors in writing.
You can find Grammarly Premium cost plan information on the web address below:

Type in
Then scroll down the website
Select the link “Plans” under the Product column (the first one on the left)
You then can get details of plans and costs at


Pro Writing Aid

Pro Writing Aid web address:
This is another grammar checker software that I use.

Pro Writing Aid has different reports listed on the top of the screen that can offer suggestions to improve your writing. Each report focused on distinct suggestions.

One disadvantage of Pro Writing Aid is complexity. In addition, people using the software for the first time can find it challenging.

The following YouTube video can describe Pro Writing Aid software.

YouTube Video Title: “PRO WRITING AID TUTORIAL – How to Set It Up for AUTHORS”
YouTube Publication Date: February 21, 2020
YouTube Channel: The Editing Bard
YouTube Address:
The video can give an excellent introduction to some tools found in Pro Writing Aid

Pro Writing Aid costs money to use. You can find Pro Writing Aid cost information on the web address below:

Type in the web address:

Scroll down to the bottom part of the web page
Then click on the link “Pricing” to get information on Pro Writing Aid costs and packages
(Located at


Combination of both Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid

Grammarly and Pro Work Aid may be helpful when used in combination. I find using both Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid helpful in finding errors.

These tools aid in the detection of errors in job-hunting writing papers, allowing you to reduce mistakes and improve the quality of the job-hunting documents you provide to potential employers.

