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Category: Live Your Life Learning Blog

Sources for Information Interviews (1st Week): LinkedIn

Informational Interview contact name sources: LinkedIn

What are Informational Interviews?

Informational Interviews can be an effective way to learn about a profession.
An Informational Interview where you contact a person in a profession you are interested in learning more about. You contact the person and learn about the profession.

This 5- part series will inform you where you can find contact names for informational interviews.
We have scheduled the rest of the posts to appear on the remaining Wednesdays for October.

For this week, a resource for finding contact names for informational interviews is LinkedIn.

LinkedIn ( is a social media networking site that allows you to connect with other professionals.
You may find contact names on LinkedIn for informational interviews.
You need to login and create an account (a profile) to use the LinkedIn resources.
There is a search box in the left corner of the screen. In it, you can search for a profession for which you want to find contact names.
It would help if you typed in a profession of interest in the Search Screen Box in the Left Corner of the Screen (This post gives the viewpoint from a laptop computer screen; a mobile device looking at LinkedIn may have different views than what may appear on a laptop computer screen.)
You will (hopefully) get a result of a variety of information.
If you want to contact people, you will have options on the left side of the screen to narrow your search to people.
Select “people.”
Hopefully, you will see a list of people you are interested in.
How many connections you already have for your profile may influence your list. The more connections you have, the more people you will get.

      LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Provides groups that are another way to find contact names.
LinkedIn Groups are groups of people who gather on LinkedIn around a specific area; many of these particular areas are professions.
You can use the search box in the left-hand corner to search for the profession you are interested in.
You will (hopefully) get information from your search.
You will then get (hopefully) a choice on the left side of the screen called “groups”.
Select groups, and you will (hopefully) get a list of groups based on the profession of interest.
When you select a group, you can get a list of members of that LinkedIn Group. You can (hopefully) select a LinkedIn group based on a particular profession; you will also likely get a list of LinkedIn contacts of people in that profession or those interested in that profession. People who may be an excellent source for information interview contacts.

    Connections–way to contact

You may face limitations in communicating with a LinkedIn contact who does not have a connection with you. It may prove helpful to be connected to the person you want to do an informational interview with.
You can ask the contact if they would connect with you.

In the request to connect, you may leave a personal message.
I recommend writing a personal message; you may also include in the message that you would like to request an informational interview.

You may increase the likelihood of your contact connecting with you if you mention something that you have in common between you and the contact. Some examples of something in common could be that you and your contact are members of the same college or university alumni, the same LinkedIn group, or the members who live in the same geographical area.

After the contact connects with you, you can send a message asking for an informational interview or ask the connection for one.

LinkedIn may be an effective source for finding contact names for informational interviews.

Results to the question; “What Is Your Favorite Remote Job” from last post

The results are in:

To the question, “What Is Your Favorite Job?”

  • From Internet Resources – We did not have any response from Internet resources.
  • From Personal Resources – the people I talked to offered no opinion on the question.
  • My Opinion – so, I will offer my opinion that my favorite remote job is the trainer or facilitator area

Thanks to everyone for reading the question.

Remote Careers: Question this week:

Prior Posts Question

From prior posts, we asked people their thoughts on the following question:

  • What benefits can you have with Remote Work?

Results are in:

We now have the results in
We did not get any responses from electronic sources, so I used sources from people I met face-to-face.
From those sources, the top winner from the question is:

  • Not having to travel back and forth from work.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Now, for this next week, here is another question.

  • What Is your favorite remote job?
  • Or, if you do not have a remote career experience, what would you think would be your favorite remote job?

Let me know your thoughts on the question above; write to the following e-mail and give me your thoughts.

E-mail at:

And we will look at the results next week.

Thanks, everyone; take care.

Mike Searson

Question for You: What benefits can you have with Remote Work?

This week- we have a short post–busy with other things in life currently–so doing a trivia question?

What makes you interested in remote work?
Let’s look at some benefits of remote work.
Let’s ask a trivia question:

What are some benefits to remote work?
a) Do not have to travel back and forth from work
b) Able to live where you want
c) Able to travel where you want
d) Other (mention your own benefit)

This post also duplicated on the YouTube Channel called–Live Your Life Learning. (–leave a comment on what benefits you like a remote work; and then I will share the results next week.


The where: Like’s There No Tomorrow YouTube Channel

This week, we look at the YouTube channel Like’s There No Tomorrow.

The channel focuses on traveling in an RV,
Most of the video focuses on how to travel in an RV

Remote Careers
The YouTube channel provides some information about remote work.
Some videos that focus on remote work are:

YouTube Title: How to Plan for Full-Time RV Living: The Ultimate 2024 Step-by-Step Guide
YouTube Channel: Like’s There No Tomorrow
An Ultimate Guide on a variety of topics on doing travel on RV

Some topics of interest can be;
(About 7:02 in the video) “Jobs on the Road”
Give some ideas about working remotely
(About 8:34 in the video): “Internet”
Give some options related to getting access to the Internet

YouTube Title: TOP Money-Making RV Jobs for Full-Time Nomad Life (NOT work camping or surveys)
YouTube Channel: Like’s There No Tomorrow
Give some career ideas on how to work remotely while traveling (while traveling in an RV)
Emphasized digital marketing information

Like There’s No Tomorrow YouTube channel gives information on traveling. As you travel, you may find your next remote opportunity with the help of the Like’s There No Tomorrow YouTube Channel.

The where: Traveling with Kirsten YouTube channel

This week, we will look at Traveling with Kirsten YouTube channel.
Traveling with Kirsten focuses on travel.

Traveling with Kirsten gives information on remote opportunities that may allow one to travel.

Details About YouTube Channel

The YouTube Channel Name: Traveling with Kirsten
YouTube Channel Address:

You find that most videos focus on travel.

You can use the YouTube search feature to find remote work videos on the YouTube channel Traveling with Kirsten.

YouTube Search Feature: Way To Find What You Want

Finding remote work content from a YouTube Travel Channel may be difficult.
The YouTube Travel Channel may focus most of the videos on travel rather than remote work.

How can you find the remote work content on a YouTube Travel Channel?
You can use a keyword search feature on a YouTube channel homepage to search for video content on the topic you are looking for.

  • You can find the keyword search feature on the Home page of the YouTube Travel channel.
  • The search feature will have a symbol that looks like a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass will often be next to the “Community” category link towards the top part of the computer screen.
  • You can perform a keyword search to find a list of videos related to the topic you want to find.
  • You may find typing the word “work” in the search keyword feature valuable for finding remote work content from a YouTube Travel Channel.

The Traveling with Kirsten YouTube channel then lists YouTube videos related to remote work.

Website Connected with YouTube Channel

The YouTube channel has a website connected with the YouTube channel.
The website page is called Traveling with Kristin (

The website mainly focuses on travel.
You can find a book called Digital Nomads for Dummies by Kirsten Wilson,
You can find a website that describes the book.
The book gives travel information and information on how to earn an income while traveling remotely.
Go to the Traveling with Kirsten website and click the Digital Nomad Book link.
The Digital Nomad link is located towards the top of the screen.
Purchase the book to gain information from the book.

I did not see specific remote opportunities listed on the website.

Please evaluate the information yourself to determine if the services would help you.

The Traveling with Kirsten YouTube channel provides information on different remote opportunities.
You may find your next remote opportunity on the YouTube channel Traveling with Kirsten.

The where: The Twins Mom YouTube channel

This week, we will look at The Twins Mom YouTube channel.
The Twins Mom gives information on remote opportunities.

Details About YouTube Channel

The YouTube Channel Name: The Twins Mom
YouTube Channel Address:

Many of the details on many of the YouTube Thumbnails on the YouTube channel will have:

  • Picture of the presenter on YouTube
  • Many videos will give details about remote opportunity

(For example, give information about the rate of pay)

Website Connected with YouTube Channel

The YouTube channel has a website connected with the YouTube channel.
The website page is called Secure the Job Kit (

You must sign up for a community on the Secure the Job Kit website.
You may have to pay to join the community,
I did not see any access to a listing of job opportunities or other resources without signing up for the community.

Please evaluate the information yourself to determine if the services would help you.

The Twins Mom YouTube channel provides information on different remote opportunities.
You may find your next remote opportunity on The Twins Mom YouTube channel.