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Unemployed: Ways to Deal with the Stress

Lose your Job: Now Unemployed

When you lose a job (be it a remote job or not) – you can enter a stressful time in your life. People may experience various emotions like surprise, sadness, loneliness, and anger. Here are some suggestions to deal with job loss:

Ideas to help with the stress

  • First, Help with the emotional loss – losing a job position can be stressful. Unemployment can rate as one of the high stressful events a person can have in their lives. You may find talking to a counselor, friend, or family member helpful in dealing with the stress.
  • Second, Think of jobs as temporary – be aware that positions are temporary – jobs begin, jobs end, and some jobs change over time. The thought that a job is temporary may lessen the intense emotions you may feel from a job loss.
  • Third, Unemployment insurance–You may qualify for unemployment insurance. Unemployment insurance may give you financial help while searching for another job. Check with your state unemployment program for specific details.
  • Fourth, Take advantage of career services – Take advantage of career services from sources like:
    • Your state workforce development office,
    • College university career office (if it applies),
    • Career expert from a non-profit (if it applies),
    • Private career expert.

If you are paying for a career expert, please evaluate the career expert to determine if that career expert is worth your time. I would recommend a pay-as-you-go arrangement with your career expert rather than pre-paying for services ahead of time. That way, if you no longer want to use the career expert, you can stop paying the career expert for services.

  • Fifth, Social network–when you have the stress of a job loss, social groups can help support you in your time of stress from your job loss.
  • Sixth, Health–can be helpful to stay healthy – you may look into doing exercises and eating healthy.
  • Seventh, Routines–people who work may have an established routine in their workplace; when people lose their job, people may lose a big part of their routine. People may find comfort in routine. Some ideas to create a routine can be:
    • (A) Job club–a job club is a group of people who help people with job loss. The job club may meet at a specific time (like the same day of the week)
    • (B) Meet with a group of friends on an established routine – meet at a specific time
    • (C) Eat at established times
    • (D) Meet with career experts at established times

In Conclusion, dealing with job loss can be stressful. Ideas expressed are some ways to deal with stress. I hope everyone’s job journey is quickly solved when dealing with unemployment.

