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Where to Look for Remote Opportunities: Vocational Rehabilitation

This week we look at Vocational Rehabilitation.
We are looking at Internet resource that may help some people on their remote job journeys.

What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Vocational Rehabilitation is state government offices in the United States that help people find job opportunities with body limitations (or difficulties). People with body limitations (like back problems making it difficult to lift heavy items) may find the services in Vocational Rehabilitation helpful in your remote job journey.
A person may meet with a specialist who can help them with their remote job journeys.

Where to find Vocational Rehabilitation Offices?

You can often find a state government that will create a Vocational Rehabilitation web page that will give information about their state’s Vocational Rehabilitation services.

Check with the Vocational Rehabilitation office in your state to see what specific services your Vocational Rehabilitation office has and the specific guidelines to qualify for their services.

For those looking for a Vocational Rehabilitation office for your state, you can do a Google search (or some other similar search engine) and type in the word phrase “Vocational Rehabilitation” and then the state you live in. If you are searching on Google, type the phrase “Vocational Rehabilitation” in quotes so Google will search for the entire phrase “Vocational Rehabilitation” instead of two separate words of Vocational and then Rehabilitation. You can search for the phrase “Vocational Rehabilitation” in quotes makes for a more precise search.

You can also look for listings of Vocational Rehabilitation offices on the Internet.

Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
Federal Government Agency

One place to find a Vocational Rehabilitation listing is from the

United States Department of Education
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)

The Rehabilitation Services Administration lists Vocational Rehabilitation offices across the United States.
Listing based upon an alphabetical order of the state government.
The listing of Vocational Rehabilitation offices is below:

Internet Address:

Vocational Rehabilitation offices may help people who live in the United States find remote job opportunities. Vocational Rehabilitation may help people with body limitations (or difficulties) find their next remote job.


