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Follow-Up to an Application: A tool for Job Hunters

A tool that can help a person in job-hunting is a follow-up to an application. Follow-up can allow you to communicate with a potential employer after sending your initial application. You can communicate to a potential employer that you are still interested in the opportunity and receive feedback from the potential employer.

It is good to plan on a follow-up to a potential employer. The one exception to this is job positions that say in their job announcements, not to follow-up. You can hurt your employment possibilities if you try to follow-up, for you were not following the job instructions found in the job announcement.

The time frame to follow-up may vary based on your situation, but a good time is to follow up would be one to two weeks from the time you sent out your initial application.

Here are some articles that give good information about how to follow up on an application.

  • How to Follow Up on a Job Application (Phone and E-mail Samples)
    By Jennifer Parris (Could not find publication date)
    Article address:

Article from Flexjobs ( is a website that focuses on helping job seekers looking for remote job opportunities. Flexjobs limit many areas of their website to subscribers; some articles like this are available to the public. I believe Flexjobs is an excellent resource for those looking for a remote job if they can afford the subscription rate–about $50 a year).

A follow-up to an application can be a valuable tool to help people with their job search. You might follow up on a job application to increase your odds of success in the job search.

